The homemade meal from the "Galley of Lelly"

"Makes by heart and quality,
Comes with a delicious taste of meal,
To be the number one of your choice..."

Hi there....

Welcome and thank you for visiting my blog...

Here you can see and also order the meals that i made by myself.

Interesting to order??

Just email me:

or you can sms me for quick respond:
0813-16743255 (SMS only)

Thank you and enjoy your blogwalking.

@ the galley

Rabu, 23 Januari 2013

Tier Birthday cake

 Project bareng nyokap, Untuk ultah temennya nyokap yg ke 65tahun, kue susun 2, bagian bawah ukuran 50x50cm, bagian atasnya ukuran 30cm.  Base cakenya black forest, cover fondant... bagian kue atas nggak nempel di bagian bawahm tapi ditopang sama beberapa tusuk sate yg nancep mantep di sterofoam sebelah bawah, karena black forest nggak mungkin dipake buat maen tumpuk2an hehehehe.... dan saksessss sodara2....

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