The homemade meal from the "Galley of Lelly"

"Makes by heart and quality,
Comes with a delicious taste of meal,
To be the number one of your choice..."

Hi there....

Welcome and thank you for visiting my blog...

Here you can see and also order the meals that i made by myself.

Interesting to order??

Just email me:

or you can sms me for quick respond:
0813-16743255 (SMS only)

Thank you and enjoy your blogwalking.

@ the galley

Rabu, 25 Juli 2012

Angry Birds cake

Angry Birds cake

kue ulang tahun buat si Kakak, maunya tema agnry birds, dikerjain sebulan setelah melahirkan si adek, bela2in buat anak.. hihihihi... hasil menurutku kurang maksimal, tapi semua aku lakuin demi cinta...ciiieeeee.... base cakenya seperti biasa kue andalan kalo yg aneh2 bentuknya gini; brownies kukus coklat filling blueberry

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